Response to Climate Change

Response to Climate Change

We believe that climate change, which has a significant impact on the Earth and our business activities, presents both risks to our group’s management, and at the same time new business opportunities. In order to achieve a sound corporate development and a sustainable society, we are promoting initiatives to solve environmental issues and working to expand disclosure of environmental related information.

Approach to Reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions

In order to move forward with measures to realize a carbon-free society and firmly ensure the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions along the supply chain, we began calculating GHG emissions for the entire supply chain (Scope 3) of the Wacoal Business (Domestic) in 2021. Moreover, in addition to disclosing reduction targets for Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions from our operating bases in Japan in pursuit of our 2030 nonfinancial goals, in June 2022 the Company disclosed reduction targets for the aforementioned Scope 3 GHG emissions of the Wacoal Business (Domestic).

GHG Emissions Reduction Process

Currently, the Subcommittee for Carbon-Neutral, which operates under the Sustainability Committee, takes the lead in reviewing specific action plans for achieving GHG emissions reduction targets. In pursuit of our goal of realizing net-zero GHG emissions at all of our operating bases in Japan, we plan on installing solar power generating systems at our distribution centers as well as gradually converting to the use of renewable energy at our existing operating bases. Meanwhile, in order to reduce GHG emissions along the supply chain, it is imperative that we work in unison with our suppliers. We intend to develop an action plan and course of action for reducing GHG emissions while urging our suppliers to do their part in helping to reduce GHG emissions along the supply chain.

Initiatives in Fiscal 2024 and Plan for Fiscal 2025

  • Initiatives for Reducing Our own Greenhouse Gas Emissions

    In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions at our domestic business sites, in fiscal 2024, we investigated the CO2 emission reduction potential of our headquarters and distribution centers, and established detailed reduction programs. From fiscal 2025 onward, we plan to implement specific measures in line with our reduction roadmap. In addition to Wacoal Distribution Corp. (Moriyama City, Shiga Prefecture) and the Shin-Kyoto Building, Wacoal Manufacturing Japan Corp. has decided to introduce a new solar power generation system at its Nagasaki Plant.

  • Initiatives for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Our Supply Chain in Japan

    Collaboration with suppliers is vital to reducing emissions in our supply chain. In fiscal 2024, we explained the Group’s environmental policy to suppliers and shared plans for our future initiatives, and conducted research activities to formulate reduction scenarios in collaboration with a third-party organization. From fiscal 2025 onwards, we plan to continue conducting research activities and refining our calculation methods.

  • Initiatives for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Our Overseas Operations

    In order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our overseas operations, we have determined that our own garment factories, which account for more than 80% of the total electricity consumption, are subject to boundaries and have calculated their greenhouse gas emissions. In fiscal 2025, we plan to formulate a reduction program and consider medium- to long-term reduction targets.

Disclosure of Information Based On TCFD Recommendations

In September 2021, the Wacoal Group announced its support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and in 2022, the Wacoal Group disclose information on the four thematic areas of governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets in accordance with the recommendations of the TCFD.

Recognition as a CDP Supplier Engagement Leader

CDP is an international nonprofit organization that conducts research and analyses on the initiatives of companies and organizations around the world to address climate change and other environmental issues and discloses the results of these assessments. The CDP’s Supplier Engagement Rating assesses how companies work effectively with suppliers to resolve the issue of climate change. In 2022, the Group has been selected as "B-List" in CDP's Climate Change questionnaire.

Environment-related data

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Generated by the Wacoal Business (Domestic)

* Retroactive adjustments have been made to the actual results due to the change in boundary.

Other Energy Data

Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Electricity used 1,000kWh 11,942 12,583 11,095 11,390 11,166
Solar power self-use 1,000kWh 472 458 465 522
Sufficiency Rate of Total Power Consumption % 3.8 4.1 4.1 4.7
Gas used 1,000m³ 700 672 629 677 665
Water used 1,000m³ 120 113 92 96 101
Total waste emissions t 1,068 968 717 874 842
Incinerated waste t 75 71 43 89 77
Recycling rate 93 93 94 90 91
Wacoal Group domestic offices are eligible
(Head Office Building, Spiral Building, Asakusabashi Building, Kojimachi Building, Kyoto Building, Shin-Kyoto Building, Osaka Building, Moriyama Distribution Center, Fushimi Distribution Center, Wacoal Manufacturing Japan Corp. [Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Fukuoka, Fukui, Niigata])