Human Rights
Human Rights Policy
We have established the Wacoal Group Human Rights Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) as a guideline for promoting group-wide efforts to respect human rights and fulfill corresponding responsibilities. This Policy conforms to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Human Rights Structure
The Representative Director, President and CEO (Group CEO) is responsible for the Board of Directors and the Group Management Committee, which is the highest decision-making body at the business operations level, and chaiers the Sustainability Committee, which is responsible for developing an overall plan for sustainability activities and monitoring their progress. The Human Rights and Diversity & Inclusion Subcommittee, a subordinate body of the Sustainability Committee, conducts education and awareness activities related to the protection of human rights and provides advice and recommendations for the implementation of human rights due diligence to ensure the Group fulfills its responsibilities to respect human rights according to its Human Rights Policy and that its operations are executed appropriately.
Action Policy for the revised medium-term management plan |
Details of initiatives during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 |
Activity plan for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024 |
Human Rights Due Diligence
In accordance with the CSR Procurement Guidelines, the Group has a process in place to identify negative impacts and risks to human rights in product procurement and to formulate and implement appropriate countermeasures. However, we have not been able to identify human rights issues in the supply chain other than the procurement process.
Therefore, in October 2023, we conducted a human rights risk assessment to identify potential human rights risks in the Wacoal Group’s supply chain. As part of the assessment process, in addition to desktop surveys, we hold cross-functional workshops with the participation of directors, corporate officers, and management to discuss human rights risks in the process from procurement to sales and consumption.
Looking ahead, we plan to start human rights due diligence after identifying human rights themes that the Group should prioritize through consultation with a third-party organization.

Other Initiatives
Respect for the Individual
Wacoal's Action Agenda explicitly prohibits workplace discrimination. Every individual must be treated fairly at work. We will not engage in or support unlawful discrimination on the grounds of nationality, race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, ancestry, national origin, intellectual or physical disability, health problem, or position within the company. Violators will be severely penalized.
Prohibition of Workplace Discrimination
Wacoal's Action Agenda explicitly prohibits workplace discrimination. Every individual must be treated fairly at work. We will not engage in or support unlawful discrimination on the grounds of nationality, race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, ancestry, national origin, intellectual or physical disability, health problem, or position within the company. Violators will be severely penalized.
Efforts to Prevent Sexual Harassment and Power Harassment
- The Wacoal Group strongly expects and encourages every employee to be a person who is trusted by society, as well as by other members of the Company, in the Philosophy of mutual trust. We inform our employees of our basic policy and efforts regarding individual human rights and have established a system to prevent and eliminate sexual and power harassment in the workplace.
- We understand that sexual harassment and power harassment are socially prohibited behaviors that seriously stain the honor and dignity of each individual. We also recognize them as serious problems that prevent our employees from effectively displaying their abilities, hinder our company from maintaining order in the workplace and conducting business operations, and lead to loss of confidence in the Company.
- In addition to the stipulation of prohibited activities and the setting of goals to be achieved, we pay due consideration to the privacy of those who blow the whistle and those who seek consultation so that they will not be treated unfavorably.
- Every business site provides a consultation service, including a hotline, allowing employees to feel free to file a complaint or seek advice. The privacy of such employees is strictly maintained, and rapid and appropriate action is taken to solve individual problems. For sexual harassment, a separate hotline is set up.
- Persons in charge of the consultation/complaints desk in the Personnel Department participate in training seminars held by external organizations to help improve measures against sexual and power harassment.
- Education has been provided to those in managerial posts to enhance their awareness of and prevent sexual and power harassment.
- A notice regarding our system to prevent sexual and power harassment is made twice a year on the Intranet, to promote employees' awareness of such harassment in the workplace.
Safe Products (consumer rights)
As a matter of course, Wacoal has a responsibility to provide products with high levels of safety from the customer's point of view. Therefore, we respect the human rights of consumers, emphasize safety and reliability, and take care to treat customers in a manner that builds trust.
Protect Personal Information
We believe that the appropriate use and protection of personal information is our social responsibility, and stipulate the following personal information policy and work for thorough compliance therewith.
- In light of the importance of protecting personal information, we have built an information security organization, established privacy policy and related regulations, and provided our employees with education and training to ensure appropriate handling and management of personal information.
- We have consolidated systems for checking the management of personal information and responding to inquiries from customers about their private information.
- We ask our business partners, suppliers and subcontractors that need to handle the personal information we have obtained to achieve the same level of information security.