Monthly Sales Data

Overview of May 2024

1. Wacoal(Japan) Sales Summary (May 2024)

Wacoal's overall sales were 104% year-over-year (YoY) and exceeded our plan’s target. These results were driven by higher fulfillment rates for standard products and the strong performance of our EC platform. Store sales are gradually improving but have not yet fully recovered. The solid performance of our EC site is supporting overall sales.

Sales* (deliveries) for the Wacoal (innerwear) were 107% YoY and exceeded our plan’s target. The launch of the new “Natsumeku Bra” in stores and an improved fulfillment rate for standard products contributed to the positive performance. While sales of new products struggled at physical stores, customer numbers and average customer spending were strong due to repeat visits from existing customers, driving sales overall. Sales on Wacoal’s own EC platform were 100% YoY.
(*Figures include the Wacoal’s own EC sales)

Sales* (deliveries) for the Wing were 84% YoY. While sales at physical stores continued to struggle due to stockouts of standard items, sales on the brand’s own EC platform and third-party EC sites were strong, especially for top-end and standard items, resulting in overall brand sales exceeding our plan’s target. Sales on Wing’s own EC platform were 122% YoY.
(*Figures include the Wing's own EC sales)

Sales* (deliveries) for the AMPHI were 97% YoY. Though the brand’s EC platform saw strong sales, physical store sales struggled, falling short both against our plan’s target and YoY due to low customer traffic and purchase rates continuing from the previous month. Sales of collaborative products were also sluggish; as a result, sales fell short YoY and against our plan’s target. Sales on AMPHI’s own EC platform were 120% YoY.
(*Figures include the AMPHI's own EC sales)

・Salute / Yue
Sales* (deliveries) for the Salute brand were 126% YoY. While sales at physical stores struggled slightly, deliveries of popular items like those from the 09 Group drove sales, with results beating our plan’s target. Sales on Salute’s own EC platform were 122% YoY.
Sales* (deliveries) for the Yue brand were 108% YoY. Progress with delivering standard items and reduced returns contributed, and results also exceeded our plan’s target. Sales on Yue’s own EC platform were 100% YoY.
(*Figures include each brand’s own EC sales)

Store-based sales for each channel on a YoY basis: department stores 93%, Wacoal brand at mass retailers 91%, Wing brand 89%, and specialty stores 98%. Sales at Amphi, a primary shop among our directly managed stores, were lower YoY due to sluggish customer traffic and purchase rates. Despite strong performance during the Golden Week holiday period, Factory store sales dropped YoY as customer traffic and purchase rates fell after that. As for Wacoal The Store, although sales of the Salute brand fell short of last year’s level, Wacoal products performed well, resulting in overall sales growing YoY.

AMPHI stores: Existing stores 92%, new stores 85%
Factory stores: Existing stores 91%, new stores 91%
Wacoal the stores: Existing stores 102%, new stores 102%

Waocoal's Own EC Site

Sales* on our own EC platform were strong, coming in at 114% YoY.
(*Figures include the core brand’s own EC sales)

2. Peach John (Japan) Sales Summary (May 2024)

'Peach John’s domestic business sales were 86% YoY and below our plan’s target. Though sales promotions were implemented for directly managed stores, these stores continued to struggle to attract customers, and sales came in at 85% YoY and below our plan’s target. Additionally, results on the brand’s own EC platform were 87% YoY, as the effectiveness of a large-scale promotional campaign (30th Anniversary Project) fell short of expectations. For third-party EC sites as well, although some sites demonstrated favorable performance, overall visitor numbers were stagnant, and sales registered 93% YoY.

Overseas operations (store situation) are as follows.
PJ Hong Kong: 78%
Despite the favorable performance of SALE items, regular-price products struggled, and sales were down YoY and below our plan’s target.
Taiwan PJ: 99%
Although promotional measures were implemented, the number of customers attracted fell short of expectations. As a result, sales dropped YoY and were also below our plan’s target.

3. Wacoal(Overseas) Sales Summary (May 2024)

Wacoal America’s sales (deliveries) were 108% year-over-year (YoY) and exceeded our plan’s target.
In the department store channel, though in-store sales fell below last year’s levels, sales (deliveries) exceeded our plan’s target. The easing of client purchasing restraints and deliveries for large-scale promotions contributed to this result. As for third-party EC sites, though results were below our plan’s target, sales grew significantly YoY, mainly on major platforms. However, sales on our own EC platform were sluggish due to system failures and the cancellation of sales promotion measures.

Sales (deliveries) for Wacoal Europe were 94% YoY and below our plan’s target. By region, the UK and North America saw sales fall YoY, while sales in Europe, especially Germany and France, continued to perform well.
The UK struggled due to a slowdown after new product deliveries the previous month, with sales falling short YoY and against our plan’s target. In Europe, growth was driven by the specialty store channel, which constitutes the majority of the business, and the strong performance of EC in Germany, resulting in sales growing YoY and exceeding our plan’s target. As for North America, while the department store channel performed well, third-party EC sites struggled, resulting in sales falling YoY and coming in below our plan’s target.

Wacoal China’s sales (deliveries) were 81% YoY and below our plan’s target. By channel, sales via third-party EC sites exceeded our plan’s target due to positive impacts from promotional measures involving influencers (KOLs) and the timing of sales promotion activities. On the other hand, physical store sales dropped below our plan’s target as promotional measures designed to increase store visitors fell short of expectations.

Next update schedule

The next "Monthly Sales Data (Japan)" will be updated on Jul. 16th.


Net sales (Year on Year Change %)
Peach John
Wacoal International
Wacoal Europe Wacoal China
Apr 76 94 93 120 81
May 104 86 108 94 90
1Q 90 90 100 103 85
Annual total 90 90 100 103 85
  • *Wacoal International, Wacoal Europe, Wacoal China, Year-on-year comparison is based on local currency.
Department Stores GMS, Supermarket Innerwear Specialty Stores Sports Chains/Specialty Stores *1 Third Party EC Sites *2 Retail Waocoal's Own EC Site Catalog mail‐order
Wacoal Brand Wing Brand
Apr 94 92 90 87 115 101 90 109 97
May 93 91 89 98 95 97 91 114 110
1Q 93 91 89 93 104 95 90 112 102
Annual total 93 91 89 93 104 95 90 112 102
  • *1Sports Chains/Specialty Stores: Sportswear, etc.
  • *2Third Party EC Sites: EC businesses of underwear stores, EC specialized merchandizers, etc.