Environmental Policy and Targets

Environmental Policy

Considering that preservation of the global environment is a corporate responsibility in global business activities, Wacoal will promote the conservation of the planetary environment, in line with a spirit of "mutual trust" for harmony with the society and our motto :

"Promise of Environmental Preservation for Next Generations, Their Smiles, and Beautiful Earth".

  • We will reduce environmental loads generated from business activity processes through business improvement operations and make efforts for prevention of environmental pollution.
  • Establishing environmental targets focusing on the following items, we will try to accomplish the targets based on environmental management systems.
    • Energy conservation, resources saving, and reduction of CO2 emissions
    • Waste reduction and recycling
    • Development of products and technologies that are kind to people and environment
    • Purchase of product materials, materials and office supplies that are kind to people and environment
  • We will comply with environmental laws and ordinances, and our voluntary management standards.
  • We will raise our employees' environmental awareness through ecological education and make efforts to be able to cooperate and contribute to environmental preservation activities as a member of local communities.
  • We will disclose our environmental policies and approaches to environmental preservation, aiming at preserving the environments through wide-ranging social partnerships.

Environmental Management Structure

The Representative Director, President, and Corporate Officer of Wacoal Holdings Corp. is responsible for the Board of Directors and the Group Management Committee, which is the highest decision-making body at the business operations level, and chaiers the Sustainability Committee, which is responsible for developing an overall plan for sustainability activities and monitoring their progress.As subordinate bodies of the Sustainability Committee, the Carbon Neutral Subcommittee promotes efforts to reduce the environmental impact of business activities, including the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, while the Resource Recycling Subcommittee promotes efforts to realize a resource-recycling society.

Environmental goals for 2030

The Wacoal Group has set its own environmental activity goals for 2030 to promote efforts to solve increasingly serious climate change issues and realize a carbon-free society.

  • In-house Emissions (Scope 1 & 2) "Zero" [Domestic offices]
    Gradually switch to renewable energy, aiming to achieve net zero in-house greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 & 2)
  • Product disposal "Zero" [Wacoal Corp.]
    Aim for zero discarded products and promote efforts to reduce disposal of waste materials at plants
  • Environmentally friendly materials "50%" [Wacoal Corp.]
    Increase the percentage of environmentally friendly materials used to 50%, such as switching to recycled fibers and yarns
  • "20% Reduction" in Supply Chain Emissions (Scope 3) [Wacoal Business (domestic)]
    Promote efforts with partner companies to reduce supply chain greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 3) by 20%