Monitoring Results and Plans

Monitoring Results

Fiscal 2023 Initiatives

  • Verify the status of compliance with matters specified in the Wacoal Group CSR Procurement Guidelines via self-assessments
    Conducted self-evaluation for contract manufacturers that started CSR procurement activities in the fiscal years ended March 2019, March 2021, and March 2023
  • Made preparations for expanding the scope of CSR procurement activities for raw material suppliers and dyeing factories
    Conducted pilot on-site audits of raw material production plant subsidiaries and dyeing factories of the Group’s overseas subsidiaries in order to expand the scope of coverage to raw material suppliers and dyeing factories in fiscal 2024
  • Expanded the scope audits of contract manufacturers based on the certification results of external auditing institutions
    Evaluated that audit content required by the Company can be ensured even at domestic sewing factories in order to expand the scope of CSR procurement activities in light of the rationality and efficiency of audits

Monitoring Results (Self-Assessment Results of Contract Manufacturers)

Held once every two years, the self-assessment was conducted at 220 plants in fiscal 2023. As a result of providing guidance through on-site audits, focusing on plants that had scored poorly in the previous self-assessment, improvements were made at 133 plants that could be compared. Through our efforts, we will continue to enhance the transparency of our business activities throughout the entire supply chain.

Fiscal 2024 Plans

  • Accurately monitor the status of compliance with matters specified in the "Wacoal Group CSR Procurement Guidelines" through self-assessments and provide feedback on analyses and assessments
  • Strengthen monitoring of sewing factories that accept foreign technical intern trainees
    Conduct on-site audits and implement surveys specifically targeting foreign technical intern trainees
  • Expand the scope of CSR procurement activities to raw materials suppliers and dyeing factories
    Conduct questionnaires and on-site audits exclusively for foreign technical intern trainees
  • Expand the scope of CSR procurement activities for raw material suppliers and dyeing factories
    Conduct self-assessments of major raw material production plants and dyeing factories under the Wacoal and Wing brands
  • Conduct on-site audits and implement audits
    Resume on-site audits in Japan, partially resume on-site audits overseas, and promote implementation of audits

History of Wacoal Group CSR procurement activities to date

2017 Jan. A Tokyo-based international human rights NGO raised concerns about the working environment at a contract manufacturer of one of our subsidiaries, Lecien Corp.
Apr. Launch of the CSR Procurement Project
Lead the process of investigating and correcting CSR activities in the procurement process
Oct. Establishment of the Wacoal Group CSR Procurement Guidelines to stipulate common procurement methods for the Group
2018 Feb. Start monitoring via self-assessments carried out by contract manufacturers
Apr. Establish the CSR Procurement Committee to realize more effective CSR procurement
May. Disclose the Wacoal and Wing brand contract manufacturers
Jul. Start surveys on the status of the acceptance of foreign technical intern trainees at domestic contract factories of the Wacoal and Wing brands
Sep. Disclose contract manufacturers of Lecien Corp. and Peach John Co., Ltd.
2019 Aug.
  • Disclose the contract manufacturers of Ai Co., Ltd
  • Update the contract manufacturers for the Wacoal and Wing Brands, Lecien Corp, and Peach John Co., Ltd.
2020 Mar. Revise self-assessment and on-site auditing methods for contract manufacturers
  • Disclose the list of contract manufacturers for departments other than Wacoal brand innerwear and retail business headquarters
  • Update the contract manufacturers list for Wacoal and Wing Brand innerwear, Peach John Co., Ltd., Lecien Corp., and Ai Co., Ltd.
2021 Oct. Disclose contract manufacturers list for the first time for Wacoal’s online business, Unenana Cool Corp ., Wacoal America Inc. , Wacoal China Co., Ltd., and Wacoal Europe Ltd.
2022 Jan. Verification of remote audit methods, including the use of overseas certification
  • Disclose the contract manufacturers list, expanding the survey scope to include apparel products of overseas subsidiaries and Nanasai Co., Ltd., as well as non-apparel items from Wacoal Corp. and Peach John Co., Ltd.
  • Unpaid wages for 11 foreign technical intern trainees working for a secondary contractor are discovered
Nov. Donations were made through an NPO to help support the lives of the 11 interns
2023 Jan. Conducted on-site pilot audits of raw material production plants and dyeing factories of Group overseas subsidiaries in preparation for expanding the scope of audits in fiscal 2024